Adios March 2020
Looking back at March 2020 like, “Smell ya later!”
I’m a writer.
But for the longest time this month (the longest month in the history of time), I couldn’t find the words to blog, words to inspire and share with each of you. That’s the point of this blog right? Besides rendering itself a creative outlet for yours truly, my goal is to share relevant content that makes life a little easier for my readers.
Like most procrastinators, I waited until the last day of March. Thankfully, a semi-decent string of words came to mind, just in the nick of time, as the calendar flips over to April and we put one of the darkest months in our history behind us.
I thought I’d write about my experience. After all, I know it firsthand. My sources are credible. Ok, I’ve been spending too much time alone.
March went 0 to 100 real quick.
To me, March means college basketball, bracket challenges and college team smack talk. On my calendar, I'd planned on digitally cheering on a certain Oklahoma livestock show all 10 days. I had no idea my San Diego LEVEL retreat trip would be my last for the foreseeable future.
Amongst the chaos, I realize I have so much to be thankful for. First of all, now I have Matt working from home with me. Together we've gotten a ton of spring cleaning done and have been closing exercise rings every day. I’ve been enjoying getting to focus more on work and clients rather than worrying about errands. We’ve gotten the opportunity to reconnect and virtually attend our KC church, Leawood Presbyterian, live on Sunday mornings (I host watch parties every Sunday on FB, join us!). TikTok and Tiger King memes keep me laughing. Time spent at the barn (socially distancing, of course) with my horse gets me out of the house and my mind clear. Everyone is dealing with the fear of the unknown, and we’re all dealing with it in different ways. There’s no right way, you’re completely entitled to feel how you want. It’s important now more than ever to support one another and take extra care of yourself. Do your part by practicing social distancing. Don’t forget to call your parents. Also, wash your hands.
I’ve been working from home for 2 years now, it’s nothing new for me but I understand the adjustment time it takes and I’m happy to be a resource for anyone who needs tips or a virtual accountability buddy. Here’s a blog post I did that contains 10 tips (ahem, commandments) of working from home!
On the bright side, I have lots of Southwest Airlines credit and am eagerly awaiting planning my next trip.
Here’s what I’ve been watching:
Tiger King - Netflix
Ozark - Netflix
Little Fires Everywhere - Hulu
Here’s what I’m listening to:
Don’t underestimate the power of a good playlist.
Anything Jason Isbell - 24 Frames is a good starter song.
You can’t be sad listening to this classic
If you’re into Alt: Beach House
Keep your skills sharp. Social Media Learnings
Feel goods:
We could all smile a little more.
Honestly, anything Brittany Broski. Especially this, captioned “Clippy the passive-aggressive Microsoft word paper clip” which TBH, couldn’t be truer.
If you have any suggestions of shows, TikToks, memes, reading material, workouts, please share!