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Horse Guard — The Holy Grail

Hi, I’m Caroline and I have spent most of my horse “career” being a skeptic of equine supplements — I didn’t start using them until college when my gelding, Jack, dropped a ton of weight. Since then, I’ve gone back and forth supplementing different things for different needs, comparing different brands and completely going off recommendations from vets and industry professionals. But alas, after years of searching for the perfect supplement brand — I’ve found my holy grail: Horse Guard.

After moving to Colorado from Arizona, Jack dropped weight (not an easy keeper, if you catch my drift). I’m not sure if it was a change in climate, losing access to pasture and Arizona’s hay (believe it or not, it’s great hay!) or what, but it happened. He lost muscle all over and his hind and withers were atrophying quickly, despite regular exercise. Unhappy with his overall body condition and with a brutal Front Range winter on its way, I called the vet. After a full evaluation, she wrote me a prescription for Equioxxx (sore hocks), and suggested I add a Vitamin E supplement along with increasing his grain ration and adding a protein supplement. Cha-ching (that’s the sound of my pockets emptying). After a couple of weeks with the new additions to his diet, his overall body condition improved and so did his energy — a by a lot.

Jack is a pretty lazy horse for the most part, he favors doing the least amount of work possible, but he is sensitive. If your head isn’t in the game or if you’re anxious you bet he will mirror that. He’s in a stall with a run full-time with no turnout and adding a high protein supplement to his feed didn’t help. He was distracted, spooky and not fun to ride. I was back to the drawing board.

Now to the good stuff. I’ve seen a couple of accounts I follow on Instagram rave about their Horse Guard experiences and products and of course, I did more research. I love the mission and the simplicity of this family business. You can learn more about their story and all their contributions to the equine industry here. They even provide access to a nutritionist on call to answer all your questions and help you pick the best product.

When looking through their products offered I stumbled upon Super Weight Gain. I was currently feeding the protein pellets, Equioxx and Vitamin E as two seperate supplements along with a splash of my favorite Camelina Oil for his joints. When I saw that there was an all-in-one solution, I thought I may as well try it for a month. What sold me on the Super Weight Gain product option was everything it supported nutritionally:

  • 1. Vitamin & Minerals 

  • 2. Gut Health 

  • 3. Protein While it does contain high protein levels, it didn’t make my horse any hotter.

  • 4. Vitamin E & Organic Selenium Super Weight Gain contains 3 mg of organic selenium and 1,500 IU of Vitamin E!

  • 5. Fat 

A supplement at this price point that contains both Vitamin E, Selenium and provides gut health by using yeast? Sign me up. Now 3 months later I have a happy horse with a better body condition and shiny coat, and a much happier bank account. K, fine, as happy as it can be being a horse owner. Horse peeps, you know the struggle.

The best part is you can try it out for yourself! If you’re not happy with the results, Horse Guard will refund you 100% . Use my code carolinearendt5 to take a little off the top. As always, I recommend consulting with your vet to establish long term health goals and go from there. Remember: supplements can help with problems but aren’t always solutions.

Happy trails!

Xx C

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase.  You will never get charged extra through affiliate links…and sometimes you’ll even get a discount! You can trust that I link these products, brands or companies only because I use these products in real life and believe in them. Whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.