All tagged Caroline Arendt Creative

My Ag [Comm] Story

People often pause when I tell them my degree.

Uh, what was that?

Yep, I graduated with an agricultural communications degree, and no that didn’t give me the ability to talk to plants or cows (but let’s be honest that would be pretty freaking cool) but instead gave me the tools to reach both ag and non-ag audiences. With my degree, I believe I have a unique a perspective because I can speak to both sides — the consumers and the producers. Hailing from the city has given me the opportunity to be versed, and candidly, the credibility to be able to pitch and understand the average consumer’s mindset because I can see through both lenses.

I'm Self-Employed!

You read that right!

I feel like it’s not official until I create a “Life Event” on Facebook or something, but it’s true, I’m officially self-employed! Ahhhh! This transition has definitely been a work in progress this past year, and really there was no “perfect” time to take this leap of faith but here I am, ready to jump in.