All tagged business

My Favorite Tools + Resources for Freelancers

Hey guys! Long time no see! I promised I’d be more consistent in my blogging, but here I am. Just ya know, trying to run a business during A GLOBAL PANDEMIC. Hashtag nbd.

Anyways, I’ve been freelancing social media and writing services now for just over 8 months and while it’s been a sharp learning curve, I’m pleased to be able to share some of my acquired “hacks” aka tools with y’all, so today I’m sharing my favorite tools and resources (and some serious savings $$$) for all my freelancers and side hustlers out there. Enjoy!

1 Month of Freelancing Down


The first month of freelancing has come and gone, and if we’re being completely honest — I didn’t even realize it. Time flies when you work for yourself I guess! These past 30+ days have been full of blessings, surprises and A LOT of learning curves.