All tagged home owners

Horse Decor I'm Loving

After a year of living in our first house, we’ve really started to hone in on our style. Matt and I together definitely are a weird combo of minimal/modern/traditional/rustic styles. We’ve accomplished displaying this blend by this by mixing leather and natural elements with some pops of color and nods to the cattle and horse worlds. Being a horse girl, there’s never enough horse decor so I’ve “rounded-up” (for lack of better words, feel free to click off this page now, ha) some decor items I’ve found and am loving.

I’d totally have all of these in my home.

Buying a House in Your 20s: What to Expect

When we found out we were moving to Colorado, we were given a quick turnaround so initially, we planned on renting. Believe it or not (believe it), Northern Colorado rentals are hard to find and we couldn’t quite find what we were looking for. In another quick turn of events, we decided pretty much last minute to buy. While nothing can really prepare you for the home buying *experience*, having a good relationship with your realtor and bank can go a long way, so make sure you pick wisely! Here are a few other things to consider before jumping in with both feet…