Moral of the story: if the South Dakota Cowgirl offers a photography workshop within driving distance, you go.
Your friendly neighborhood Non-Pro chasing cutting pen dreams one donated entry fee at a time. Join me on this journey as we explore the latest performance horse insights to proven products and everything in between.
All tagged Photographers
Moral of the story: if the South Dakota Cowgirl offers a photography workshop within driving distance, you go.
I think hearing that word for some people makes their skin crawl, to others, they feel a rush of pity, like being a freelancer is a bad thing. There’s a funky stereotype around the word, and I’m not sure why.
I think I was a little naive dabbling in the freelancing world, and to be honest, still am. A handshake only goes so far and your work, no matter how much time you spent on it or how big the project was, is still valuable and still your work.