All tagged social media manager

COWGIRL 30 Under 30 Weekend Recap

This past weekend, I was honored and humbled to receive recognition in COWGIRL Magazine’s 30 Under 30 Class of 2022. Being recognized has been a goal of mine since COWGIRL started featuring women in western making waves in the industry.

Throughout the entire weekend, we all experienced some genuine Texas hospitality and got to gather, network and collaborate. It was a weekend beautifully executed with opportunities for connection and celebration scattered throughout.

My Favorite Tools + Resources for Freelancers

Hey guys! Long time no see! I promised I’d be more consistent in my blogging, but here I am. Just ya know, trying to run a business during A GLOBAL PANDEMIC. Hashtag nbd.

Anyways, I’ve been freelancing social media and writing services now for just over 8 months and while it’s been a sharp learning curve, I’m pleased to be able to share some of my acquired “hacks” aka tools with y’all, so today I’m sharing my favorite tools and resources (and some serious savings $$$) for all my freelancers and side hustlers out there. Enjoy!

My First 6 Months As A Freelancer

Since I officially started freelancing at the end of November 2019, I know this post is a little late! But ya know, I’ve just have been dealing with a global pandemic and what not! This post is actually great for me both personally and professionally, as it holds me accountable and gives me room to review and improve.

Print ISN'T Dead!

I work in a digital role and I don't often get to physically touch hard copies of work. Content is planned, Tweets are tweeted, and designs are created with computer brushes — and it all lives online. ⁣

I'm Self-Employed!

You read that right!

I feel like it’s not official until I create a “Life Event” on Facebook or something, but it’s true, I’m officially self-employed! Ahhhh! This transition has definitely been a work in progress this past year, and really there was no “perfect” time to take this leap of faith but here I am, ready to jump in.